Reader Responses to Writing Prompts

Hello readers! Some of you have began sending me your writing that was inspired by writing prompts included in my newsletters and on the website. Below are a sampling of what I’ve received so far. I encourage all of you to try the writing prompts (sign up for the newsletter so you don’t miss them) and send me what you write! I’d love to include them in future posts.

Happy Writing!

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Write a scene that takes place immediately after a tragedy. Don’t mention the tragedy. 

Tiny bits of gravel sliced at the bottom of her feet with every step she took. She could feel the pieces embedded in her toes,digging deeper with every mile She put between herself and that alley. For what felt like hours she had refused to look back, scared of what or who might be following her. 

She climbed the flight of stairs leading to her apartment two at a time just as dawn was breaking over the mountains. Eager to get inside she failed to notice Mr Peters from 2b watering the pot of flowers next to his door, swerving just in time to avoid a nasty collision. “Sorry sir,” she muttered with her head down as she quickly stuck the key into the door of 2a. 

“Woah be careful Macie, it’s too early to be moving that fast.” He laughed as she slipped into the living room closing the door roughly behind her. 

“Okay breathe Macie, your home it’s fine….everything is fine,” she whispered to herself as she tried to catch her breath. After a minute, she made her way into the bathroom. The few broken fingernails on her right hand went unnoticed as she flipped the light switch. After quickly turning the knob on the shower to the hottest setting, she gathered her courage and looked in the mirror. 

The reflection staring back at her was nothing like the one she had seen just 12 hours ago. She had spent all afternoon curling her long blonde hair just right, applying just a bit more lipstick and admiring the body hugging red dress she had picked out for the first date. 

Now the face in the mirror told a different story. Her lipstick was smeared all over her face and neck. Mascara and tears stained her cheeks and a beautiful array of purple blue and black melded together in a crescent shape just beneath her swollen left eye. The ripped strap of her dress hung off her shoulder in defeat. She peeled it from her body carefully as to not disturb the already painful hand shaped bruises that lined her thighs. She took a deep breath as she stepped under the scalding hot water. She furiously scraped and scrubbed at her body. Cleansing every inch until her skin was raw. When the soap bottle finally ran empty, she slowly sank to the floor of the shower. Resting her head on her knees, fresh tears poured down her body and her loud sobs swallowed up by the shower. Her mind frantically replaying the last 12 hours, trying to find the moment it all went wrong.

  • Samantha L. 

Coffee and papers flew into a mess as the two strangers collided on their hurried paths, unaware their destinies were now intertwined. 

A loud huff escaped from the crumpled pile on the floor as the young man and woman each scrambled to extricate themselves from one another and rescue their belongings from the growing puddle of coffee on the floor. Several books, a cell phone, and one pressed white blouse (just purchased last week, of course) had been caught in the crossfire of the initial explosion. “Why don’t you watch where you’re going? Asshole,” the woman said tersely. It wasn’t the most romantic first meeting, but Ethan still tells Jodie 20 years later that he was the luckiest asshole in that coffee shop.

  • Nina L.

“You’re special,” she smiled, tucking a lock of hair behind the young girl’s ear. “I get why she chose you.” 

“You’re special,” she smiled, tucking a lock of hair behind the young girl’s ear. “I get why she chose you.” 

Yes, Raven thought to herself, special indeed. Raven had waited for this day for 12 years. She had intertwined herself within the Countess’s court starting as a scullery maid and making her way up to lady in waiting. Today was the day the Countess Abergine had promised her brother one of her finest ladies to be his wife. Her murderous, evil brother who was twice Raven’s age. 

Raven was special for more than one reason. She was darker skinned than the rest of the Countess’s court, and had a gift a herbalism. She had helped the Countess on more than one occasion with her ailments, and knew that Raven would be a perfect addition to her brother’s court for her healing abilities. However, being chosen to marry the vile Count, was a revenge plan that was initiated when Raven was 5. 

The Count had killed her father and older brothers, raped her mother and left Raven alone in the world, when he was only 18. It was the first day the little girl knew hate. Of course the Count had no idea Raven was there as well; her mother had hid her well. After the Count had taken what he wanted from her mother, he loaded her beaten and bruised body into one of the wagons in his caravan and left the tiny farm. She never knew what became of her mother. 

Raven didn’t know exactly why the Count killed her father and brothers, and stole her mother away until a few years later. She had been in and out of towns, collecting herbs and books on herbal properties, and offering her services as a cleaning girl in taverns, when one night she overheard a conversation that peaked her interest. 

“Yeah, just up and killed the whole family,” a man grumbled, “Like it’s a sport for him.”

“Bloody hell,” whispered another man, “I heard he has a liking for the females of that color though. Were there no women?”

“Heard he didn’t like the look of any of them there. Too old and not dark enough or something. Man, my head is killing me tonight,” the first man replied rubbing his temples. 

Raven quietly went up to the table and although it wasn’t what she was hired for, asked the two men if they would like another round. 

“Aye lass,” the second man responded. 

As Raven walked away she heard him say to the first man, “What a pretty young thing. Pray she never meets Count of Everton.”

A sport? Raven thought to herself. To kill people with a certain skin color for sport. To rape the women for sport. Abhorrent man!

She came back with 2 ales and a small tea made with peppermint, willow bark, and a little lavender for calming effects. “Here you are good sirs, and a tea for headaches on the house,” Raven smiled.  The first man took a small sip of tea and after a few minutes the tension in his face began to relax. At 8 years old, she knew how to set her revenge plan into motion. 

Now at 17, she was here. After having one of her locks tucked behind her ears by the Countess’s maid, Raven steadied herself for the next part of her plan. Atropa Belladonna, or more commonly, Nightshade was a powerful herb that could easily be crushed and accidentally slipped into her future husband’s drink when he was already too drunk to notice anything was off. She smiled to herself and allowed the Countess Abergine to introduce her to her brother, the Count of Everton. 

  • Stephanie O. 

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