
Hello fellow writer!

Welcome to my website – I am so glad you are here. Here you will find a destination for all things writing. As you can see, the site is in its early days, so it will take some time to figure out what works best for me (and for you, my reader). My goal, at this time, is to make this website a place for writers to learn about their craft, find unique writing prompts, and discover a community of fellow writers that they can learn from. Over time, I’d additionally like to develop e-courses to offer my readers. I am very much open to feedback, so please message me with any ideas!

And who am I? My name is Shannon McPherson and I have been studying creative writing for many years, as well as being an avid reader since I was three years old. I have wanted to make a career as a published author for many years, but have struggled to find the time and frankly the energy to devote to writing a novel. I am a single mother, who also works full time, so it is difficult at the end of a long day to sit down at my computer and start writing when all I want to do is relax. The never-ending struggle of being an adult, am I right?

One of my friends suggested creating a writing blog and after hemming and hawing over it for quite some time, I finally did it! I thought there would be no better way to get me in the habit of writing again, than having a website that was rolling out consistent content for a (hopefully) attentive audience. 

So join me in this journey as I take you through the various paths of creative writing. Please do not hesitate to message me with any feedback or ideas of content you’d like to see or drop a comment down below! I look forward to building this platform along with you.

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